Our Services

We deliver all NHS genomic tests for people living in South London, Surrey, Sussex, Kent & Medway.
We offer a range of services including:
Genomic testing for anyone with suspected rare or inherited diseases is offered to anybody within the South East of England. We have a range of laboratories who deliver specialist genetic testing for rare conditions.
Please take care to complete the order form in full as any errors or gaps may delay the results.
Contact us on gst-tr.southeastglh@nhs.net
We are open from 9 – 5pm Monday to Friday.
Genetics Laboratory, 5th Floor, Tower Wing, Guy’s Hospital, London, SE1 9RT
For skin and dermatology testing
The laboratory provides specialist genomic testing for skin disorders (genodermatoses). The National Diagnostic Epidermolysis Bullosa laboratory is the only national referral centre for Epidermolysis Bullosa testing.
For any clinical or scientific queries please contact us on gst-tr.southeastglh@nhs.net or 020 7188 7229 between 9am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.
For Cardiology & Respiratory testing
We are one of four cardiac and three respiratory specialist test providers in England, testing for all cardiac and respiratory indications in the National Genomic Test Directory.
For Molecular Haemostasis & Thrombosis
The Molecular Haemostasis & Thrombosis laboratory was established in 1994 and developed into a National and International referral centre with one of the largest repertoires of genes involved in disorders of coagulation.
Contact us on viapath.mol.haem@nhs.net
Molecular Haemostasis & Thrombosis
4th Floor North Wing
St. Thomas’ Hospital, London, SE1 7EH
For Gastrohepatology
The Liver Molecular Genetics laboratories at King’s College Hospital provide specialist genetic testing services for a range of gastric and hepatic diseases.
Contact us on kch-tr.kchlmgadmin@nhs.netÂ
We are open 9-5pm Monday to Friday. 020 3299 2253
Liver Molecular Genetics (LMG) Service Liver Lab, Institute of Liver Studies, 3rd Floor Cheyne Wing,
King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust,
Denmark Hill, London, SE5 9RS
For Molecular Pathology
Part of the Red Cell Centre, the Molecular Pathology Lab is based at King’s College Hospital providing molecular genetic testing for a wide range of red cell disorders.
Contact us on kch-tr.pnd@nhs.net
Open 9am – 17:30 Mon-Fri
Molecular Pathology
Reference Haematology
c/o Central specimen reception
Blood Sciences Laboratories
Ground floor Bessemer Wing, King’s College Hospital, London SE5 9RS
The somatic cancer service delivers all solid tumour testing for the NHS across the South East. This includes liquid biopsies (also known as ctDNA) and solid tumour tissue testing.
Please note : it is very important to include all information in your sample request. Without it, we will be unable to provide a full report.
Contact us on gst-tr.southeastglh@nhs.net
We are open Monday – Friday 9 – 5pm
Cancer Genetics, 5th Floor, Tower Wing, Guy’s Hospital, London, SE1 9RT
If you would like your results to be discussed at the SE GLH Solid Tumour Genomic Tumour Advisory Board (GTAB) please send a completed referral form along with the results report to gst-tr.gtabsoutheastglh@nhs.net
The HMDS service is located at King’s College Hospital offering diagnosis and monitoring for haematological malignancies and bone marrow failure syndromes. This is a specialist regional service.
Please clearly note any samples that require urgent testing must include all relevant information to avoid delays.
Contact us on kch-tr.sehmdsreception@nhs.net
South East HMDS, Synnovis Analytics, Ground Floor, Bessemer Wing, King’s College Hospital, London, SE5 9RS
To discuss results or clinical queries, contact our HMDS Consultants on kch-tr.KHMDC-consultants@nhs.net from 9-5pm Monday – Friday.
We are excited to announce the launch of our NEW Cellular Pathology Genomic Centres.
These new centres will reduce the time it takes to complete solid cancer tumour testing referrals and play a pivotal role in preparing samples for the NHS Cancer Vaccine Launchpad Programme, which is enabling patients to access cancer vaccine trials.
In the South East, we are establishing three new Cellular Pathology Genomic Centres:
- Guys Hospital serving South London & Sussex
- Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells Hospital serving Kent
- Berkshire Surrey Pathology Services serving Surrey & Sussex
We offer pharmacogenomic testing for DPYD polymorphisms with fluoropyrimidine therapies.
Contact us on Viapath.Purine@nhs.net
Purine Research Laboratory, Synnovis
4th Floor North Wing
St Thomas’ Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road
London SE1 7EH
We are open Monday – Friday 9-5pm. Reach us on 0207 188 1266