Who Are We?
We are the NHS South East Genomic Medicine Service. We deliver NHS genomic testing for across Kent, Medway, Surrey, Sussex and South London.

We are part of a National Genomics Network
The NHS Genomic Medicine Service is a network of 7 regional Genomic Medicine Services, each responsible for coordinating and delivering genomic testing for a particular part of the country.

This strategy sets out four priority areas:

Embedding genomics across the NHS, through a world leading innovative service model from primary and community care through to specialist and tertiary care

Delivering equitable genomic testing for improved outcomes in cancer, rare, inherited and common diseases and in enabling precision medicine and reducing adverse drug reactions

Enabling genomics to be at the forefront of the data and digital revolution, ensuring genomic data can be interpreted and informed by other diagnostic and clinical data

Evolving the service through cutting-edge science, research and innovation to ensure that patients can benefit from rapid implementation of advances
To deliver this strategy we are working on a number of distinct projects

The Genomic Medicine Service in the
South East is a partnership
South East Genomic Laboratory Hub
The South East Genomic Laboratory Hub provides and coordinates all genomic tests, within agreed turnaround times, to bring genomic innovation to the people of South London, Kent, Surrey & Sussex.
We work cooperatively with the national network of Genomic Laboratory Hubs to deliver all tests outlined in the National Genomic Test Directory and bring equitable access to testing across the country.
The South East GLH provides the following services, delivered by a network of partner laboratories;
- Cancer testing covering a range of solid & neurological tumours and haematological malignancies
- Rare & Inherited Diseases which include cardiology, gastrohepatology, haematology, respiratory and skin
To access our request forms and guidance on sample pathways, please visit our Test Order page
The South East GLH is directly funded to deliver all genomic testing as per the National Genomic Test Directory. There is no cost to the ordering site or Trust.

South East Genomic Medicine Service Alliance
is a partnership of organisations. Our collective vision is to embed genomics into everyday healthcare across the NHS.
Our key priorities are:
- Integrating genomic testing in pathways, including creating and improving cancer and pathology pathways
- Delivering national and regional transformation projects which bring genomic innovation to patients. Read more about them here
- Delivering an extensive education, training and workforce development programme. Find our training resources here
- Improving delivery and access to precision medicine and medicine optimisation
- Maximising opportunities in research and innovation, including supporting research projects run by Genomics England and improving patient access to clinical trials

Clinical Genetic Service
provides support to anyone affected, or at risk, of a genetic condition. The services include diagnosis:
- Diagnosis of genetic disorders
- Risk assessment and genetic counselling for patients with a family history of an inherited disorder or a family cancer syndrome
- Predictive genetic testing including prenatal diagnosis for some genetic disorders
There are two regional Clinical Genetic Services in the South East: