Without genetic testing, I would have lived with an incorrect diagnosis
Without genetic testing, I would have very different prospects. Now I am able to benefit from new therapies and start to dream again.
Patient Stories
Learn about our patients and their experiences.

I didn’t realise how important it would be to talk to someone else who understood exactly what it’s like to live with Epidermolysis Bullosa
I didn’t realise how important it would be to talk to someone else who understood exactly what it's like to live with Epidermolysis Bullosa.
Knowledge gave Jenanine power
Knowledge has given me the power to take control and make my own decisions.
Emily & her daughter both took part in the 100,000 Genome Project
I would never have known that I carry a change in my BRCA gene if it wasn’t for my daughter.
Cultural traditions meant Miranda’s family didn’t know about their history of breast cancer.
Cultural traditions meant that I wasn’t really aware of my family history of breast cancer.
Genetic testing changed Tom’s cancer treatment
If I hadn’t had the genetic test, then I wouldn’t have got the treatment that saved my life.
How genetic testing encouraged Hayley to work for the NHS
My Auntie’s gave us the chance that they never had
Why a genetic diagnosis meant Millie had to grow up early
I’m proud of my epilepsy. It’s made me who I am.
Rachel talks to us about testing for BRCA variants
When I got my BRCA diagnosis I wondered what my life would be like.