National Test Directories

All the genomic tests available on the NHS in England are listed in the National Genomic Test Directories
The directories specify the most appropriate test for each clinical indication, the testing methodology by which it should be delivered, the patients who will be eligible to access each test and who should order the test.
There are two National Genomic Test Directories

This specifies the genomic tests for rare and inherited diseases and test methodologies. It is supported by a supplementary eligibility criteria document which lists the clinical specialties who would be expected to request for a given clinical indication and sets out which patients should be considered for testing under that indication.

This specifies the genomic tests for cancer, eligibility criteria, and how to order them. It is divided into five categories: Adult Solid Tumours, Neurological Tumours, Sarcomas, Haematological Cancer and Paediatric Tumours.
You can access the National Genomic Test Directories for rare and inherited disorders and cancer online.
If a test is not listed on the Test Directory this means it is not currently commissioned by NHS England.
The directory is updated each year to ensure access to the latest diagnostics and treatments. Further information on how the directory is updated and how you can put suggestions forwarded can be found on the NHS England website.
NHS England have also published a National Genomic Test Directory Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document.