Test order forms
If you know which test you want to order and how to order it, please select the relevant test for all the necessary forms you will need.

Please note our laboratories only accept samples from clinicians after a clinical referral has been made. Patient information is only secure when sent via email from one nhs.net account to another nhs.net account or within individual trust systems.
Our Rare Disease Laboratory is based at Guy’s Hospital in London.
The laboratory performs all sample handling, DNA extraction, laboratory tests, analysis and reporting for these tests.
Please direct rare disease clinical queries directly to gst-tr.southeastglh@nhs.net
These forms should be used for the majority of rare disease tests, EXCEPT whole genome sequencing.
You will find all the forms you need for Whole Genome Sequencing in our WGS section.
We have two Rare Disease Laboratories for Haematology. One is based at Kings College Hospital in London and is known as the Red Cell Centre. It is a national reference centre for clinical and laboratory services for patients with a range of red cell disorders, providing a comprehensive and integrated approach to the diagnosis, management and treatment of a variety of disorders . The Centre looks after a large number of patients with Sickle Cell disease.
If you have laboratory queries for the Red Cell Centre, contact them on kch-tr.pnd@nhs.net
These forms should be used for the majority of rare disease tests, EXCEPT whole genome sequencing.
The Liver Molecular Genetics laboratories at King’s College Hospital provides specialist genetic testing services for a range of gastric and hepatic diseases.
Please direct rare disease clinical queries directly to kch-tr.kchlmgadmin@nhs.net
We are one of four cardiac and three respiratory specialist test providers in England, testing for all cardiac and respiratory indications in the National Genomic Test Directory.
Our laboratory is based at the Royal Brompton.
Contact us on geneticslab@rbht.nhs.uk
The laboratory provides specialist genomic testing for skin disorders (genodermatoses). We are home to the National Diagnostic Epidermolysis Bullosa laboratory.
For urgent tests, please contact your local Clinical Genetics team before you send your request.
For further queries please email: gst-tr.southeastglh@nhs.net
This process can be used for the majority of solid tumour tests, EXCEPT whole genome sequencing.
Our laboratory for somatic cancer testing is located at Guy’s Hospital.
If you are a new referrer for solid tumour testing, please contact us before submitting any samples to discuss the test order process and sample requirements.
If you have an established pathway, use the forms below and send with your sample. If you don’t yet have an established pathway, please contact us on gst-tr.southeastglh@nhs.net
We deliver all genomic testing for neurological cancers which includes Whole Genome Sequencing and non-WGS across the South East.
This process should be used for the majority of haematological malignancy tests, EXCEPT whole genome sequencing.
Our laboratory Hub for haematological cancer testing, including inherited bone marrow failure syndromes, is located at Kings College Hospital in London.
You can access the request forms here and send these to the laboratory with your sample.
Please direct haematological malignancy testing queries directly to kch-tr.sehmdsreception@nhs.net