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The National Genomic Test Directories specify which genomic tests are commissioned by the NHS in England, to be delivered by Genomic Laboratory Hubs.

Clinical Indication ID & Name


Childhood solid tumours

Test Group

Inherited cancer

Test code


Test name


Target genes

Tumour predisposition - childhood onset (243)

Test scope


Test method/ technology

WES or Medium panel

Optimal Family Structure


Eligibility Criteria

Any presentation of an invasive solid tumour diagnosed at age ≤ 18 , where no other Testing Criteria are met, OR other test did not identify pathogenic variant, AND the patient has NOT been investigated through:
1. Tumour WGS, OR
2. Another large germline cancer susceptibility panel, OR
3. Exome test through GMS or an alternative route

Genetic testing may occasionally be appropriate outside these criteria following discussion at a specialist MDT with a cancer geneticist present

Test code


Test name


Target genes

Tumour predisposition - childhood onset (243)

Test scope


Test method/ technology

Exon level CNV detection by MLPA or equivalent

Optimal Family Structure


Eligibility Criteria

Any presentation of an invasive solid tumour diagnosed at age ≤ 18 , where no other Testing Criteria are met, OR other test did not identify pathogenic variant, AND the patient has NOT been investigated through:
1. Tumour WGS, OR
2. Another large germline cancer susceptibility panel, OR
3. Exome test through GMS or an alternative route

Genetic testing may occasionally be appropriate outside these criteria following discussion at a specialist MDT with a cancer geneticist present

Commissioning group


Overlapping idications

• The associated paediatric cancer clinical indication (M coded) should be used for somatic testing

Address for samples/request forms

Genetics Laboratory
5th Floor Tower Wing
Guy’s Hospital

Contact with queries


Supporting documents


Education resources


Turn around times

All our turnaround times are listed on our specific turn around page https://southeastgenomics.nhs.uk/professionals/service-turn-around-times/

Consent record

See consent guidance in test request form

Sample requirements

Sample Requirements Each sample must be sent labelled with 3 patient identifiers and must state the sample type clearly on the sample container. Sample Rejection Samples may be rejected for the following reasons: 1. Samples and request form do not show at least three identical patient identifiers 2. The sample is in the incorrect collection media 3. The request form is not sufficiently completed 4. The sample is not of sufficient volume 5. The sample is too old