Clinical Indication ID & Name
Possible structural chromosomal rearrangement - karyotype
Test Group
Test code
Test name
Target genes
As determined by indication
Test scope
Test method/ technology
Optimal Family Structure
Eligibility Criteria
Possible structural chromosomal rearrangement requiring karyotype including one of the following:
1. Possible Robertsonian translocation, reciprocal translocation, ring chromosome or other microscopically visible structural rearrangement indicated by findings from microarray, WGS or other laboratory technique.
2. Recurrent miscarriage (defined as three or more consecutive miscarriages) in whom testing of products of conception has not been possible.
Note: this should not be performed routinely nor retrospectively where products of conception have not been provided, but may be used in exceptional circumstances, detailed below;
• Where an attempt to provide pregnancy loss samples has been unsuccessful;
o unsuitable sample (eg. no fetal material/MCC)
o failed sample (eg. fixed in formalin)
• Where the intention has been to collect the next pregnancy loss but this has not been possible due to the nature of the loss
• Five or more biochemical pregnancy losses.
3. A family history suggestive of familial balanced translocation.
4. Unexplained infertility who are going to undergo infertility treatment.
5. Patient with ambiguous genitalia potentially caused by a sex chromosome rearrangement not
detectable via other tests.
6. Egg/sperm donors prior to acceptance.
Commissioning group
Overlapping idications
Address for samples/request forms
Genetics Laboratory
5th Floor Tower Wing
Guy’s Hospital
Contact with queries
Supporting documents
Education resources
Turn around times
All our turnaround times are listed on our specific turn around page
Request form download
Consent record
See consent guidance in test request form
Sample requirements
Sample Requirements Each sample must be sent labelled with 3 patient identifiers and must state the sample type clearly on the sample container. Sample Rejection Samples may be rejected for the following reasons: 1. Samples and request form do not show at least three identical patient identifiers 2. The sample is in the incorrect collection media 3. The request form is not sufficiently completed 4. The sample is not of sufficient volume 5. The sample is too old