This next generation sequencing bioinformatics course aims to equip participants with the essential informatics skills and knowledge required to begin analysing next generation sequencing data and carry out some of the most common types of analysis.
The hands-on programme will cover several aspects of next generation sequencing data analysis, including lectures, discussions and practical computational sessions covering the following:
- Introduction to NGS technologies
- Introduction to the unix command line
- Advanced unix
- NGS data formats and tools
- Sequence alignment+QC
- SNP/indel theory and practical
- Structural variation theory and practical
- RNA-seq analysis
- ChiP-seq analysis
- Sequencing data visualisation with the Integrated Genomics Viewer (IGV)
- Accessing public sequencing repositories
The application deadline for this course is 13th August 2020, please see the Wellcome Genome Campus website for more information.