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Reproducibility, Replicability and Trust in Science Virtual Conference

September 9 2020 @ 12:30 PM - September 11 2020 @ 2:00 PM

The overarching theme of this conference is to position the challenge of reproducibility and replicability as a behaviour-change problem that when addressed can lead to culture change within research. The participation of early career researchers will be a will be a strong and prominent thread throughout the conference.

The programme will focus on the following areas:

  • Infrastructure and tools that make behaviour change possible or easier, led, for example, by service providers of open data infrastructure or publishing mechanisms
  • Normative changes, for example, led by peer-led/grassroots groups who are trying to establish new norms in their communities
  • Incentives and research assessment, for example, led by funders, research institutions, and publishing platforms/journals
  • Policies, for example, set by funders, research institutions, journals and research infrastructures

Abstract deadline is 4th August 2020, registration deadline is 2nd September 2020. Please see the Wellcome Genome Campus website for more information.

With any Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) test ordered, a Record of Discussion (RoD) form will also need to be submitted. This document is to record the patient’s consent for genomic testing and their choice on taking part in research. Guidance on the patient choice conversation can be found here
This RoD form will be available for clinicians to download from this webpage. Once completed with the patient, it can be send to the lab with the corresponding test order form and sample.
Tests available to order will be listed in the National Genomic Test Directory. A test order form will soon be made available for clinicians on this webpage to download and complete. This form will include the address of the laboratory that the appropriate sample and completed form needs to be sent to.
Until the new Genomic Laboratory Service goes live, please continue to follow existing test order processes.
Later this year, the online test ordering tool for Whole Genome Sequencing will be integrated into the National Genomics Informatics System (NGIS) and clinicians will be able to search or filter to find a clinical indication, confirm eligibility criteria and start the test request process for their patient.