Conversation & information for people with Lynch Syndrome in Kent & Medway

Do you have Lynch Syndrome?

Would you like to know more about Lynch, learn how to manage it and hear what’s on the horizon for treatment?

Join Lynch experts and other people who also have Lynch syndrome, for a relaxed and informative event.

Tuesday February 25th 3.30 – 7:30pm at the Ashford International Hotel in Kent.

Organised by the Kent & Medway Cancer Alliance and the South East Genomic Medicine Service, our experts will be on hand to answer questions and you will meet fellow patients at this welcoming and supportive session.

This is a free event for anyone who has been diagnosed with Lynch syndrome who lives in Kent & Medway.

If you have been diagnosed with Lynch syndrome and you live in Kent & Medway, join us for conversation and information on March 25th.

Points to note

  • Feel free to bring your partner with you, although we can’t cater for anyone under 16 years old.
  • Free parking is available at the hotel
  • The full address is Ashford International Hotel, Simone Weil Avenue, Ashford, TN24 8UX
  • Refreshments including tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided.
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