Spring Festival on AI and Genomics

Genomics & Artificial Intelligence : What is the potential?

Join our Genomic Spring Festival to learn how AI could, and in some cases already is, benefiting genomic medicine.

March 13th 2025 12-2pm, online



12:00 : Welcome by Dr Frances Elmslie, Clinical Director

12:05 Dr Pirro Hysi, Kings College

12:20 Clare Turnbull, Professor in Translational Cancer Genetics –

12:35 Q&A

12:40 Getting AI into Clinical Settings: The MendelScan Journey by Dr Peter Fish

13:00 Genomics AI advances in Motor Neurone Disease by Dr Alfred Iacoangeli, Reader in Bioinformatics at King’s College

13:15 Finding Needles in the Electronic Health Records Haystack by Dr Antonio de Marvao, Cardiologist at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospital


13:30 Computer vision, cardiac imaging and inherited cardiac conditions by Prof Declan O’Regan, Consultant Radiologist at Imperial College


13:45 Q&A


14:00 Wrap


Everyone is welcome, especially clinicians, nurses & midwives, AHPs, pharmacists and scientists.

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