Public consultation on clinical genomics services in England
NHS England are currently seeking views on proposed changes to the Clinical Genomic Service Specification. This Service Specification outlines standards for clinical genomic services in England. Some changes to this specification are being considered which NHS England is seeking feedback from the public on.
The consultation is open from 1 September until midnight on 30 September.
Consultation documents which help explain the changes being suggested can be found on the NHSE consultation webpage, along with the link to the online questionnaire to provide feedback.
NHSE will also be holding two webinars where you can hear more about the changes and have the opportunity to ask any questions.
Webinar 1: NHS staff, healthcare professionals and policymakers
Date: Monday 12 September, 10am – 11am
Register to join webinar
Webinar 2: Patients, patient groups and charities and other stakeholders
Date: Wednesday 14 September, 10am – 11am
Register to join webinar