Non-Cancer tests
Please select the specialty relating to the test you would like to order, if you cannot see the specialty you need please select ‘Other Rare and Inherited disorders’. Tests that are performed by labs in the SE GLH region have specific links shown here. Tests which we send out to other specialist centres around the country are not listed individually.
If you would like to order Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) for your patient, please visit our WGS-specific page.
Cardiology and Respiratory
This link will take you to the available Cardiology & Respiratory tests, turnaround times, request forms, sample and transportation requirements.
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This link will take you to the available Dermatology tests, turnaround times, request forms, sample and transportation requirements.
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This link will take you to the available Haematology tests, turnaround times, request forms, sample and transportation requirements.
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This link will take you to the available Gastrohepatology tests, turnaround times, request forms, sample and transportation requirements.
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Prenatal tests
This link will take you to the available Prenatal tests, turnaround times, request forms, sample and transportation requirements.
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Urgent tests for patients
This link will take you to the available tests for patients on NICU/PICU, turnaround times, request forms, sample and transportation requirements.
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Other Rare and Inherited disorders
This link will take you to any other Rare Disease tests that are available, turnaround times, test request forms, sample and transportation requirements.
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