Non-Cancer tests

Please select the specialty relating to the test you would like to order, if you cannot see the specialty you need please select ‘Other Rare and Inherited disorders’. Tests that are performed by labs in the SE GLH region have specific links shown here. Tests which we send out to other specialist centres around the country are not listed individually. 

If you would like to order Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) for your patient, please visit our WGS-specific page

Cardiology and Respiratory

This link will take you to the available Cardiology & Respiratory tests, turnaround times, request forms, sample and transportation requirements.
Order test


This link will take you to the available Dermatology tests, turnaround times, request forms, sample and transportation requirements.
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This link will take you to the available Haematology tests, turnaround times, request forms, sample and transportation requirements.
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This link will take you to the available Gastrohepatology tests, turnaround times, request forms, sample and transportation requirements.
Order test

Prenatal tests

This link will take you to the available Prenatal tests, turnaround times, request forms, sample and transportation requirements.
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Urgent tests for patients

This link will take you to the available tests for patients on NICU/PICU, turnaround times, request forms, sample and transportation requirements.
Order test

Other Rare and Inherited disorders

This link will take you to any other Rare Disease tests that are available, turnaround times, test request forms, sample and transportation requirements.
Order test

Expected Turnaround Times:

The South East GLH continues to meet expected targets for those patients that require urgent testing, however our non-urgent Rare Disease service has been affected by a number of challenges over the last 12 months. 

We have a comprehensive service improvement plan which aims to significantly improve the turnaround times for non-urgent tests.

Our current average reporting times can be found here. We apologise for the delay in returning a result to you for your patient.  Please do contact the laboratory if any of the tests that you are waiting for become urgent and we will expedite testing.  Urgent criteria include:

  • Family pregnancy
  • Clinical intervention dependent on genomic test results
With any Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) test ordered, a Record of Discussion (RoD) form will also need to be submitted. This document is to record the patient’s consent for genomic testing and their choice on taking part in research. Guidance on the patient choice conversation can be found here
This RoD form will be available for clinicians to download from this webpage. Once completed with the patient, it can be send to the lab with the corresponding test order form and sample.
Tests available to order will be listed in the National Genomic Test Directory. A test order form will soon be made available for clinicians on this webpage to download and complete. This form will include the address of the laboratory that the appropriate sample and completed form needs to be sent to.
Until the new Genomic Laboratory Service goes live, please continue to follow existing test order processes.
Later this year, the online test ordering tool for Whole Genome Sequencing will be integrated into the National Genomics Informatics System (NGIS) and clinicians will be able to search or filter to find a clinical indication, confirm eligibility criteria and start the test request process for their patient.