Sudden Cardiac Death
Identifying people who are at risk following a sudden cardiac death in the family.

What are we trying to do?
Following the success of a national pilot funded by NHS England and supported by the British Heart Foundation, we are expanding access to a pathway which aims to identify family members of those who have recently died following an unexplained cardiac incident, to offer them genetic testing and prevent further deaths.
Why is this important?
At least 800 sudden cardiac deaths occur annually in the UK in people under 35 years of age. Determining the underlying nature of the genetic heart disease is important for identifying other family members at risk and preventing further sudden deaths in other family members. The pathway will aim to include all those who die unexpectedly between the age of 1 and 60, where an inherited cardiac cause is thought to be likely.
Progress & next steps
We’re already working with a coroner in the South East, and we’re looking to the pilot to other coroners and hospitals in the region.
Who are we working with?
We are very grateful for funding from the British Heart Foundation and NHS England.
Learn more
Meet the team
Professor Elijah Behr
National Lead for the SCD Pilot and Professor in Cardiovascular Medicine
Dr Frances Elmslie
Clinical Director
Tootie Bueser
Director of Nursing & Midwifery
Rachel Bastiaenen
Joint Rare Disease Lead
Amy Sefton
Project Manager
Kelly Davies
Inherited Cardiac Conditions Nurse
Liz Wilson
Inherited Cardiac Conditions Nurse